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Providing basic healthcare services to people who are uninsured and underinsured.
Serving Minnesota's Iron Range Communities with locations in
Hibbing, Grand Rapids and Virginia.
Home: Welcome
To provide outpatient healthcare access and outreach to people who are uninsured and underinsured while networking with other community based organizations to facilitate continued treatment, screenings, and education.
Basic Medical Care
Medication Program Assistance
Diabetic Education
Mental Health
Physical Therapy
Home: Who We Are
Walk-ins and appointments available in Hibbing, Grand Rapids, and Virginia. To schedule an appointment, call or email the site you wish to schedule at.
Please contact us by the day before the evening you would like to schedule for to ensure that an appointment is available. We will try to accommodate scheduling the same day as clinic, but that may not always be possible.
505 S 12th Ave West #3
Arrowhead Center
Thursdays 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Home: Schedule
Professional care from local medical volunteers

Home: What We Do
"Even after a long day at work, I still enjoy volunteering at Project Care."
~ Dr. Brian Thompson
Home: Text
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